Inside the Unity Editor
I’m going to give a quick preview of the windows we will use in the editor. These windows are the most crucial elements that will be used to create your games or applications.
- Hierarchy will have everything that makes up the scene from game objects to cameras.
- Scene view is where you will build your application by creating an environment using game objects, UI management, sound effects.
- Game view is where everything in the scene will be rendered for the final result.
- Project view will have all of the assets that make up our game or application.
- Console is where errors in your project will show up.
We will want to change the editor’s layout to something more productive that professionals use.
Start by going over to the layout button and select TALL. Pull the GAME tab below the SCENE view to have one on top of the other. Adjust the GAME view to match the SCENE view in height, and then adjust the width of both views to have more screen to work with. Go over to the PROJECT view, click on the 3 dots and select ONE COLUMN LAYOUT. Head over to the layout where TALL is selected, click on the button and select SAVE LAYOUT. Name your new layout to whatever name you prefer and save it. Now you can use the other layouts as well as your custom layout.
For those who are working on games or applications where you need the SCENE and GAME views height lengthened, just grab the GAME tab and drag it up next to the HIERARCHY tab and you will have both views side by side.
Now it’s time to start a new project. See you then!