My journey becoming a Unity game developer: Game Over Cutscene-UI Game Over Menu
Objective: Creating an UI Menu that will appear when the Captured cutscene fades to black.
To begin, remove the Animation and Timeline tabs for now since we will not need them. Using the Game Over Cutscene game object’s Canvas, create a new image by right-clicking on Game Over Cutscene and selecting UI->Image. Rename the image to Game_Over_Img, drag the Game Over Text image that was premade by a designer before hand into the Source Image slot under Image component. Check the Preserve Aspect box to keep the aspect ratio of the premade button image.
In the Anchor setting, select Center to center the text to the screen. We will then change the Width and Height of the text to 250 x 250, or change the dimensions to your liking.
On the same Canvas, create a new button using UI->Button and name it Restart_button. We will drag the Restart_button image into the Source Image slot under the Image component, and check the Preserve Aspect box. Using the Rect Transform X and Y positions, drag the button down underneath the word Game. Change the Width and Height to around 125 x 60, which made the button small enough to fit under the word Game.
Duplicate the Restart button using the CTRL-D or Edit->Duplicate command. Change the name to Quit_button and drag the Quit Button Image into the Source Image slot under the Image component. Since the other settings are already adjusted, just position the Quit button under the word Over.
Now the Game Over menu has been created, the next step is to have the menu blend in the animation of the Game Over Cutscene. We will do that in the next article.