My journey becoming a Unity game developer: Make a game look beautiful-HDRP installed
Objective: Install HDRP onto the previous Control Room URP scene. Also, update the materials of the game objects under the HDRP settings back to their original appearance with slight modifications.
We’re going to use HDRP on our Control Room URP scene by creating a New Project using the 3D Sample Scene(HDRP) name Control Room HDRP.
To use the Control Room URP scene created earlier, we need to save the scene as a Unity Package first. Then, after saving the Control Room URP scene as a Unity Package, drag the Unity Package into the Assets folder.
If we look in the Scenes folder, we will notice the Control Room URP scene and Post Processing folder installed.
Next, we need to update the materials on the game objects in the scene by first going to Edit->Render Pipeline->HD Render Pipeline->Upgrade from Builtin pipeline->Upgrade Project Materials to High Definition Materials.
Now we need to select each game object prefab in the scene, and change the Material’s Shader to HDRP/Lit.
Afterwards, add the texture maps to the Base and Mask Maps to show the game objects true look in the scene.
This is the overall appearance of the materials updated in the scene.
Add the emission maps of the game objects that have them into the Emission Inputs and turn on the Use Emission Intensity.
Use the Surface Inputs settings to adjust the look of the surface of the objects.
Use the Emission Inputs settings to adjust the look of the emissive parts of the objects.
We changed this wall object emissive settings to show a different look from the Control Room URP wall object created in that scene. This will be the final look for this HDRP scene.
Select the Global Volume game object created in the Control Room URP scene, and Add Override the Bloom effect. Use the Bloom effect to adjust the settings in giving the game objects fringes of light extending from their borders of bright areas on the object.
Using the Bloom and Color Adjustments effects, we produced this final result for the Control Room to work with moving forward.
Also, we turned on the Fog particles game object from the Control Room URP scene to see how it will play on the Test tubes. As we see, the Fog particles came out more transparent making it a little more harder to see, but a little more realistic to how we want the Fog to look coming from the tubes. If we want to make the Fog more visible, we will have to adjust either the Global Volume Bloom and Color Adjustments effects on the room, or create a Local Post Processing Volume for the Fog’s area in particular to adjust the Bloom and Color Adjustments effects.